Reference clients

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Arising Technology Systems Pty Limited is an SME that is interested in technology, specialising in Enterprise and System development, real-time messaging, GIS, Linux and Open Source support.

Arising entertains prime contracts with the government and private sectors and is an accredited DISP member and on the Digital Market Place panel - see Current Work.

Our personnel have a wide range of experience spanning the complete Software Development Life Cycle, including the development of specialist communication systems, embedded systems, enterprise and web-based systems.

Arising is interested in new software development methodologies such as goal-based requirements analysis, Agile and Model Driven development, and our personnel are familiar with many related technologies being actively involved in the development of new processes.

We migrated all our services and servers to Linux and have been actively involved in development on Linux systems from 2018 with prior experience with Unix System V spanning back to the 1990s. Prior to founding Arising Technology Systems Pty Limited Ralph Holland, the managing director, was experienced with Unix System V in the late 1970s, and went on to work for Prime R&D where he was actively researching Unix System V while at Prime headquarters in the USA. Linux has finally caught up with Multics and System V and with all the Open Source input has matured to where it makes very capable production systems. Unix was picking up a large follow that was a contributing factor to the demise of Primos in the 1990s.

Arising Technology Systems Pty Limited was formed in 1997.

2022 Oct - defence (prime contractor)

Security Specialist HPC.

2019 Apr - June 2022 - via Keane Consulting

Sub-contracting on the HPC project providing Security Specialist. Implementing HPC Security Controls.

2018 Nov - March 2019 defence - (prime contractor)

Providing Security Specialist for the High Performance Computing systems.

2018 February - June 2018 - The Architecture Practice

Providing Enterprise Architect.

2017 August - December 2017 Thales

Providing: Communcations System Architect for HMAS Huon Class Minehunter communication systems.

2015 - June 2017 defence (prime contractor)


  • Providing Architect: KERMIT project
  • Principal Engineer for KERMIT project.

2011 - June 2015 defence (prime contractor)

Providing pricipal engineering services for PENSEIVE project (two personnel):

  • Architect
  • Security Developer

2010 - 2018 vendor to Department of Defence

Vendor of COTS sold under licence, along with support services. Active onsite support.

2009 Nov - Nov 2010 via Codarra

Sub-contracting to defence. Project office. Product Owner: Scrum - 5 developers.

Nov 2007 - 2009 via Codarra

Sub-contracting to defence. Production Software development: real-time message processing and GIS.

Sep 2005 - Nov 2007 via Coddarra

Sub-contracting to defence: third-level support engineer Cyclone.

Arising Technology Systems is a prime contractor for the software development services supplying senior enterprise developers.

Arising staff act in the capacity of architect, database and web-designers.

2002 Nov - 2007, Centrelink (prime contractor and sub-contractor)

Provided architect for Workflow Manager project.

The first involvement was the Workload Manager project, an Enterprise Intranet application which is used to manage Customer Service staff workload on a daily basis. During this period the Workload Manager team removed the need for Centrelink's Detailed Business Requirement documents and replaced them with Agile Models using UML.

Arising personnel were involved with the introduction of novel agile development techniques, such as Model driven development, Iterative Object-Oriented analysis and design. This meant that Arising staff introduced processes and modelling using UML, the product Enterprise Architect and that staff mentored others in these methodologies. This was difficult at first because prior to Arising's involvement there was a failed attempt to introduce methodologies that used UML.

Arising was involved with the introduction of goal-driven analysis and developing new Agile processes to assist software development.

2003 - 2007, C.S.I.R.O (prime contractor)

Arising deploys a Electronic Engineer at the C.S.I.R.O. this engineer is involved in the design and implementation of grain monitoring equipment for silos.

2004 - 2006, Department of Urban Services (prime)

Arising has signed a contract at the Department of Urban services to repair and re-design some Microsoft Access databases for animal licensing, and a separate contract for maintenance of Web-content.

2004 - ongoing, ICON (sub-contractor at DFAT)

Some remaining Arising staff were deployed at DFAT via ICON recruitment providing management and testing services,

2003 - 2004 Microsoft (prime contractor PA)

Arising has placed two Personnel Assistants (PAs) in the local Microsoft office.

2001 Nov - Dec 2003 DFAT (prime contractor)

After the BHP-IT/CSC involvement Arising deployed several contractors to assist with migration of ADCNET from HpUx to Windows NT servers. Arising supplied 2 Senior Forte developers, a Tivoli archive specialist, a Tester, Trainer, and a Project Manager during this period.

This involved the re-development of a few database interfaces and some machine dependant code, such as encryption and sealing of certain messages, and the development of the new HTTP-based message transport protocol. This new interface and protocol eliminated the central store-and-forward system and lead the way for the ultimate replacement of the ADCNET ER3 message switch. ER3 was under change impact due to its interoperation with clients that were upgraded during the development.

Jan 2000 - Nov 2001 Technology Partners Group (prime contractor)

Arising placed it’s principal under contract with Technology Partners Group as a Java B2B Enterprise System Architect for the Health System "Thelma", a B2B exchange between Sydney based hospitals and health insurance providers.

The principal was also deployed as a Forte mentor, Senior developer on the TPG developed Resimac online loans system.

Nov 2000 - Dec 2000 CSC (Performance consultant)

Arising deployed its principal at CSC Melbourne where he analysed and re-designed some performance bottlenecks in a Forte system that ran the Melbourne Tollway. The Arising analysis improved the performance of

this system during the 3 days of deployment to such an extent that the client was able to handover the system for delivery.

1998 - 2000 BHP-IT (sub-contractor)

Arising provided a Senior Forte Developer for the DFAT ADCNET-ER3 project. This was for the development of a fault-tolerant reasonably high volume message switch, handling traffic on a secure network. Arising personnel designed the Logical and Physical line connections for this application and various other fault-tolerant components that were required to run 24 x 7. In a later contract Arising personnel implemented a HTTP based transport protocol and a new HTTP logical connection that was used to connect directly with distributed client servers rather than passing through a store-and-forward central hub, largely eliminating the old type of physical and logical connections.

You can read more of the history at DFAT ADCNET-ER3.

1998 (3 months) ACT Environ (prime contractor)

Arising provided a Java developer to implement various mapping systems software.

1997 - 1998 Air Data Pty Limited (prime contractor)

Arising's first contract was with a deployment of 2 and then later 3 staff at Air Data Pty Limited to develop a Mobitex based Radio network and associated distributed processing systems. Arising supplied an Analyst Architect, Software Developers and a Software Manager. This contract saw the development of base-station hardware and firmware and distributed processing software from the ground up.

historical deployments

  • Ralph was subcontracted via ICON for the DFAT DFAT ADCNET-ER3 message switch.
  • Simon, Ted and Hank were subcontracted to DFAT direct and then later via ICON, on ADCNET and related projects.
  • Ralph was subcontracted to Technology Partners Group, as a Java Architect and Forte Developer.
  • Richard and Cameron, were contracted to the Department of Urban Services for Microsoft Access development.
  • Lesley was contracted to Microsoft as a Personal Assistant.
  • Paul was contracted to the CSIRO as an Electronics Research Engineer.
  • Ralph was contracted to Centrelink (direct) for Enterprise Web Development.
  • Allan was subcontracted to the Department of Urban Services for content management.